Rue de Seine (2)
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Paris 6,
Rue de Seine
Yesterday I concentrated on the more historical facts around Rue de Seine. What’s happening around this street today?
The first part of the street, closest to the Seine (as well as some surrounding streets) is today full of high class art galleries. You can find and buy works of a number of well known artists – of course not only -, if you have the funds for it.
What I would also recommend is that you look to the right and the left and you will find a number of small attractive side streets – and behind some more or less closed gates – some very nice court yards. Many of these are also dedicated to art and art business.
There are a few small hotels and cafés in this part of the street, but you will find more of them, some restaurants and some attractive food shops higher up on the street, the more “modern” part (18th – 19th century). (05)
You can find some of these pictures on my photo blog.
The first part of the street, closest to the Seine (as well as some surrounding streets) is today full of high class art galleries. You can find and buy works of a number of well known artists – of course not only -, if you have the funds for it.

Ces petites courées et passages sont magnifiques.La galerie de tableaux est très belle sur la première photo.
La pluie a l'air d'avoir cessé, j'arrive boire un bon café, attends moi à l'une de ces terrasses!
I love the galleries too, so posh. And I love the pont des Arts. Two lovely posts on this area.
Thank you for your very nice comment, Peter.
I know you have met other bloggers....I really had a nice time meeting one from San Francisco....I hope she did as well.....I enjoy your comments and as usual ...your photos tell quite a picture of Paris!
Bonjour Peter,
A lire, "Des fleurs pour Algernon" à voir, "Les amants du pont Neuf", et j'espère que tu n'as rien vu de la tempête... Aucun rapport avec ton post, j'en conviens, mais nous venons ici chaque jour.. Suivre ton chemin et tes conseils, tu me donnes à voir ce que je ne connais pas, je te retourne ce qui m'est cher... C'est tout simple.
Une clarté se profile au loin, le ciel semble se dégager...
Bonne journée à toi et à bientôt.
Ah, le charme des petites cours pavées...On devine de beaux appartements décorés avec goût...
How many museums and galleries we could find from Paris, can you say that? And Rome and . . . .?
We can not see them all, so, thanks for these photos again :)
I love Rue de Seine and the art galleries, I was there last time I was in Paris. I find this area extremely stimulating. Thanks for taking us there, Peter.
And next time we meet, I'd love to hear you playing the piano!
Good Morning, Peter,
Just jumping in quickly to see your delights before setting off to help prepare Ham House for the opening season.
I'm not commenting (v. pressed for time), but I rarely miss a day.
C'est un quartier agréable que tu nous montres très bien. Tes photos me donnent envie d'y retourner flâner.
Hey Peter! I am BACK :)
I like to walk on these kind of narrow streets with art galleries and artists. It is similar to Kracov's art streets.
Absolutelly wonderful!
Best to you, Peter!
ah si lyliane veut boire du café... tout fout le camp comme on dit, je croyais qu'elle aimait la bière et que le café, elle le prenait seulement si elle pouvait tremper son fromage dedans! ;-)
youpie, youpie, youpie... :-))))
First, thanks for your visit, Peter. Always glad you made it.
I looked at this post today and then went to your other blog and saw all of the photos you took for the post and found them interesting. It goes without saying that I admire artists as I used to call myself one and sold works and exhibited works. In those days, our only son, Christopher, went everywhere with me. Now, he is 50 years old and has his business in art and photography in Florida. I guess what he saw as a young man was what he wanted to be and that is what he does.
I don't do that kind of work anymore. I think my life has been a series of episodes or trials and errors and the only thing that has lasted is my marriage (over 52 years) and my family.
Thanks again for your visits, every day. I appreciate it.
Sweet, as the kids today say. I would be oh-so-fine to spend the day walking and seeing and stopping here and there to think about how this or that work of art would look in my house, to have a coffee or glass of wine, to talk about what I liked and what I didn't. And to walk with my arms free, because I wouldn't be able to afford to buy, I'm sure.
Peter, I admire you, you are tireless!!
A bientôt sur une terrasse!
Yes, it's nice to get a direct contact with some bloggers!
"Les fleurs pour Algernon", "Les Amats du Pont Neuf"... je sais, j'ai du retard! Merci pour tes gentils mots! A bientôt!
Oui, un quartier charmant!
No, I don't know and I believe I will never find out!
I'm not so sure you would love it...but maybe I will give it a try! I will train!
Good luck with the opening preparations!
Tu connais le chemin!
THAT was good news!!!! Welcome back!
... and all the best to YOU!
Je suis très content de te voir dire "youpie, youpie, youpie..."!! :-)))) Bises!
Maybe you have made a few "errors", but you have tried a lot - with success - and that's perhaps why I believe you have had a rich and good life! ... and a longlasting marriage!!! Not bad!!
To have a coffee, a glass of wine, a chat... is already a great pleasure. (Forget about buying expensive art - you can already enjoy looking at it!)
You are not bad either!!
Pratique les porches pour se mettre à l'abri lorsqu'il pleut et moins couteux que de risquer d'acheter une toile dans une galerie
Dans quel restaurant as tu donc été déjeuner ce jour là ?
Ou tout du moins où es-tu entré te réchauffer avec un café ?
Marvelous pics of the beatiful art work inside the gallery.
Rue de Seine is a place for people who loves art. Its a sea of museums, art gallery where they can appreciate the beautiful art works.
Even the buildings in Rue de Seine is a work of art.
The cafes looks like its part of the art gallery because its facade has art works also.
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