December 21, 2007

Break for Christmas

I believe I will now make a break again. I’m a bit annoyed with my network connection, but there are also some other priorities the next couple of days. Before receiving family on Christmas Eve and visiting family on Christmas Day, I have still some final shopping to do (illustrated by the below pictures), some preparation of my flat, some…… , actually quite a lot.
I will try to be back with a post or two before the end of the year, but I take the opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas (God Jul, Hyvää Joulua, Joyeux Noël, Feliz Navidad, Frohe Weihnachten, 圣诞快乐, Buon Natale…)!!!

Also on behalf of Paloma who prepared the Christmas card!


Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi Peter,
Have a good break and "Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear" to you too!!
The same in DUTCH:
"Goede kerstdagen en een gelukkig Nieuwjaar",

I'll miss you the coming time on blog, but I might not blog as much as usual too, next week I might take off a few days...

I showed today a slideshow with photo's and music from, "the left behind and lost things" on the streets, right the opposite of rich Christmas, everybody seemed to have money enough these days... Just look and see if you like it, Bye see you and enjoy yourself:)

BTW thanks for visiting my blog, I always read all comments! :)

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the holiday with friends and family.

Kate said...

I immediately KNEW it was Paloma when I saw the post. Tell her that I think she is a very gifted artist. Have yourself a very happy Christmas!!

Heather said...

What a beautiful card by Paloma! Joyeux Noël, God Jul and Gott Nytt År!

Cuckoo said...

The moment I saw the card, I knew it was from Paloma, the beautiful girl.

Enjoy your break and "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" to you and your family too!!

Ash said...

Lovely card!

Enjoy your break. Merry Christmas!!!

hpy said...

Jag önskar er alla en riktigt trevlig julhelg. Och du behöver inte översätta for någon. Joyeux Noël à vous tous.

Anonymous said...

I wish you a happy Christmas, Peter!

Olivier said...

les illuminations de noël à Paris sont pas mal aussi ;o). Tu féliciteras et remercieras Paloma (quel superbe prénom) pour cette carte de noël.
Je te souhaite de bonnes fêtes de fin d'année et a bientôt en 2008

lyliane six said...

Merci à Paloma pour son beau dessin, c'est comme si elle me l'avait dessiné pour moi toute seule. Bonnes fêtes et bonne année à toi et à toute ta famille. A l'année prochaine.

EMNM said...

¡Feliz Navidad! have a nice days with your family.

Chuckeroon said...

Happy Christmas, Peter.

See you in the New Year.


alice said...

Un bisou sur le bout du nez de Paloma pour moi! Est-ce toi qui te déguiseras en Père Noël?

Anonymous said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR. Enjoy the break. Beautiful photos.

Peter said...

Goede kerstdagen!!

The same to you!!

I will tell her! ... and my best wishes!

Peter said...

Thanks for the wishes in Swedish!! ... the same to you!

My best wishes go also to you!

Merry Christmas Ash (to the extent you celebrate it?)!

Zhang Chunhong said...

Bonne fête à toi et à ta famille.

Peter said...

Hyvää Joulua!!

Hyvää Joulua!!

Je transmettrai à Paloma! Bon Noël à tois aussi!

Peter said...

Bon voyage à Prague et bonnes fêtes!

Feliz Navidad!

Happy Christmas!

Peter said...

Pour la bise, aucun problème! Non, j'échappe!

The same to you!

La même chose pour toi! (Le texte en chinois étéit correct?)

Shammickite said...

Thank you for sending Paloma's beautiful Christmas card, tell her I think it conveys all the happiness and hopes of the Christmas season.
Have a good time with your family, Peter, and we will be in touch again when all the festivities are over and done with for another year!
Happy Christmas and may 2008 be very kind to you and to those you love!

Noushy Syah said...

The card is so cute!

Don't spend to much Peter..hehhehe,wishing you and family a happy wonderful x-mas and a happy new year.

Take care Peter.

Mélisse said...

Nedeleg Laouen Peter (c'est du breton ;-)) ! Ma connection est revenue, la tienne te donne quelques soucis, le net est inconstant ces temps-ci ! Je te souhaite de très belles fêtes, mais pour la bonne année je reviendrai !

GMG said...

Great to see the last posts!
Sorry for having taken so much time to come back here, but I will not tell you about my last weeks… The problem is that the coming ones don’t seem much nicer, at least up to January 14th, 2008…
But let’s forget all that; I wish you a merry Christmas and I’ll try to come back here to see the wonderful pictures and divert from less interesting tasks!
Have a great time

Sorry to have missed Lyliane's birthday... :((

di.di said...

Peter, what a lovely Christmas message. I want to thank you for all your posts...sometimes they're funny, sometimes they're not...but they are always informative! A Very Merry Christmas to you and the rest of your family and keep safe!

krystyna said...

Thank you Peter for your great work this year!
You are great friend!
May your Christmas Time be filled with Love and Happiness!

Thanks for your visit with kind birthday's wishes. I appreciate it.
My Birthday Party is opened.

Ming the Merciless said...

I love the first photo of the Christmas card. It is sooo cute.

I just finished all my Christmas shopping today.

Peter said...

I will tell Paloma... , thanks and the same to you!

Thanks for the advice (too late)!
All my best wishes also to you!

Ca remarche aussi pour moi - et bien, pour le moment. Bonnes fêtes à toi aussi et à bientôt!

Peter said...

Some people have not yet retired! Take your time... and enjoy Christmas!

drama div@:
Thanks for these kind words and Merry Christmas to you!

Thanks you, dear friend! Repeated best wishes for your birthday and for Christmas!

Peter said...

Thanks! I finished yesterday!

Cergie said...

Adorable Paloma, elle est tout à fait prête à ouvrir un blog à présent. Je suis sûre qu'elle saura tout à fait passer plein de messages sans blablater (comme disit Napoléon : un bon croquis vaut mieux qu'une longue explication")

Je peux juger que tu es totalemnt coupé du net
1) Parce que tu as des obligations
2) Parce que tu n'as pas de connection

Pauvre Peter !!!!

Finalement, c'est lundi que je mets mon dernier message de l'année. J'ai fait tout ce que je devais faire hier, je suis contente.
Gros bisou et passe de bonne fêtes.
See you next year...

Mona said...

Peter, Happy Holidays to you and your family and hope you have a wonderful Christmas, full of Joy and Good wishes!

Also, A Happy New Year to you !

SusuPetal said...

Have a Merry Christmas, Peter, enjoy good food and drink, the company of people, the lazy moments of just being and the all that makes your Christmas a lovely time.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Lovely card! Well done, Paloma!

I wish to you and your family a HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi Peter,
Just to wish you a Merry Christmas right before Christmas eve...

I want to wish YOU and D. a merry Christmas, you might celebrate this with your friends or family or both, I posted some Christmas decorations, on my blog with Happy celebrations, come and look,

With the BEST Christmas-greetings

Maxime said...

Tiens, tu as abandonné la peinture pour le dessin ?
Joyeux Noël, Peter, et bon voyage !

Charles said...

Merry Christmas, Peter.
May you be pleasantly surprised with things that make you feel wonderful.

Neva said...

Peter, Thanks for all you visits and lovely comments to my blog. I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas. Love the card....

Jessica said...

Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year! I hope by this point all of your preparations are complete and you are with family.

Gaëlle said...

Je te souhaite de très très bonnes fêtes et j'attends quand même avec impatience tes nouvelles photos dès que tu auras un peu plus de temps !

isa said...

The card says it all!

Hope the réveillon at your place went spendidly and now you are relaxing with your grandkids and the rest of the family!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Denton said...

Enjoy your break and your family. Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you Peter, and all your family.

Thanks for your faithful visits in Avignon, much appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Un bon break pour toi après tous ces travaux de peinture ;o)
Bonne année et toutes mes voeux.

Front Porch Society said...

Merry Christmas to you, too!! :)
Good luck getting the internet connection thing figure out. And I look forward to seeing more pictures in the future.

Peter said...

Je suppose que le "sans blablater..." était pour moi! A l'année prochaine, si non avant! Bisous!

Thanks for your nice wishes! ... and the same to you!

Yes, I'm going to be lazy... My best wishes also to you!

Peter said...

sonia, april, joann, maxime, charles, neva, jessica, belleding o, isabella, denton, nathalie, catherine, usaincognito :
Sincere thanks to all of you and my best wishes also to all of YOU!

alice said...

Bon, tu dois avoir ouvert tous tes cadeaux pour maintenant...

Anonymous said...

Pas encore revenu a la maison mais un petit coucou au passage pour te souhaiter une bonne annee 2008

GMG said...

Peter, have a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2008 (with lots of pictures for us to see...)!