Around Place de la Bastille - bis
Labels :
Foulée Verte,
Gare de la Bastille,
La Bastille,
Opéra Bastille,
Paris architecture
Referring to “Around Place de la Bastille”, I actually went back to la Bastille end last week for a rather surprising walk together with my son, his wife and my two grandchildren.
Where you today can find the new Paris opera house, Opéra Bastille, used to be a railway station, Gare de la Bastille, for trains heading east, the Strasbourg line. The last – steam engined - train left the station in 1969 and it was demolished in 1984.
Where there used to be rails, there is now a green, park like, promenade, some 4,5 km (3 miles) eastwards. At the end you reach the green area Bois de Vincennes. This creation has clearly created added value to the surrounding quarters (including the price for a flat).
To start with you walk on a viaduct; the underneath 72 arcades are today used for some quite fashionable shops, restaurants and cafés.
My granddaughter Paloma took the lead and the rest of the family had to follow.
She got fascinated by all the flowers and decided to have a closer look at most of them and of course ask for their names. (She did not learn very much due to lack of knowledge of her promenade partners.)
Anyhow, we had a nice walk. To go back home, I took a municipal bike.

To start with you walk on a viaduct; the underneath 72 arcades are today used for some quite fashionable shops, restaurants and cafés.

What a lovely walk. (With a beautiful granddaughter too!) Nice to know that once the railway line was removed, the land is being used for something useful.
Hmmm.. So, sweet Palmoa is at work again ?
"She did not learn very much due to lack of knowledge of her promenade partners."... Ha Ha..
And for "Passing the Sentence" game on my blog: Yes, you are right in saying we are a sick blogging family.
I have observed something in this particular game which I'll tell later but right now the game is only one sentence away from the end. I wonder who is going to rescue it. I wish at least one of my so many regular readers who ran away by the horror of it, could contribute there.
If this is the response, I'll have to think whether to play next game or not.
Hiya Peter...what a wonderful day to enjoy a walking trip with your family.
I enjoyed walking when I was in Paris and I remembered we took the metro to look at Paris Opera House and snap a picture of that...:D
J'aime beaucoup cette promenade verte, au dessus des boulevards. Et puis tu as choisi un tres beau modele pour nous faire decouvrir la "coulée verte". Le quartier a beaucoup changé depuis que j'y habiter (rue ledru rollin).
She is SOOO beautiful, Peter. These photos are just great.
Le quartier a changé, comme dit Olivier, mais contrairement à lui, je n'y ai pas habité.
I liked the walk and the look at the family smelling the flowers. Very nice photography Peter.
Brookville Daily Photo
AHAHA ! J'espère que Paloma avait le sens de l'orientation !
Pourqyuoi n'a-t-elle pas demand" à Grand'Pa de lui parler de l'histoire du quartier, tu es TELLEMENT documenté, je n'arriverai jamais à me souvenir de tout ça!
Tu vois, il faudrait que tu édites ton blog, cela ferait "le petit Peter illustré"
Tu me prendrais comme secrétaire de rédaction, parce qu'il faudrait un (tout petit) peu élaguer pour ne pas faire trop long.
Eventuellement je referais quelques photos sur tes indications parce que j'ai un meilleur APN. Cela me permettrait de visiter tout ça de visu
what a wonderful trek! :)
& I see the lovely Paloma again! :)
I think Paloma is the most beautiful thing/person in the whole of France!!
Thanks for the lovely views once again Peter. I just love the stained glass. Hopefully I might see them for real someday...
N'avez-vous jamais songé à vous engager à l'office du tourisme de Paris comme guide? La petite Paloma est bien mignonne au milieu de toutes ses fleurs.
Je viens de prendre ma retraite et tu veux me faire "bosser" encore? ... peut-être si c'est avec une si agréable collaboratrice!
Tu sais, je me renseigne un peu avant de poster, mais moi aussi j'oublie très vite. Des fois je cherche sur mon blog pour me rappeler.
Oui, je sais; il faut que je "radote" moins.
I hope that you will soon get the opportunity to see the stained glass windows and a lot more - and I would be so happy to be your guide!
Voir mes commentaires à cergie ci-dessus! Mais, si c'est pour essayer de faire le guide à des amis bloggueurs, je suis partant - "free of charge, champagne included"!
Ce n'est pas toi qui radote,mais DD! ;)
cergie essaye de se placer à ce que je vois ;o)
Each time I open your blog, I discover a new thing about Paris. I'm sure that a lot of "parisiens" don't know their town as well as you do.
I surely would like to stroll along this ancient railway trail that became a garden.
Beautiful granddaughter...lovely photos ....nice commentary....impressive....
Just this kind should Cityblogs be.
And you are not DP blogger, but your and Olivier`s blogs could be as model examples.
Greetings to Paloma from a new baby!
Thank you for all the kind words about Paloma (I will transmit), but also about my blog.
There was a discussion whether I should join the DP blogger team, but as you may have a noticed and like Olivier, I have some difficulties to show just ONE daily photo (and my camera is not the best...), so maybe it's better that I stay outside this group.
What a lushly beautiful place for a stroll with those you love.
Un petit coucou avant de reprendre la route du "grand Nord" demain. "Délice Paloma", pleine de délicatesse pour sentir les fleurs et les admirer.
A bientôt.
What a lovely walk and beautiful photos, Peter! What a pleasure to live in such a marvelous city!
Paloma is really gorgeous and looks adorable!
Great walk Peter! I see that your lovely grandaughter is quite interested in all the flowers around. A follower of M. Linné is on the way; no wonder, taking into account her roots... Brillant pictures!
she looks so regal!!!! are u sure she's not a real life princess?
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