A different kind of boutique
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Miss Angel,
Paris 17
This is a very special kind of boutique, “Modes Angel”. It’s not too far from where I live, but I believe that it’s rather the fact that it’s also quite close to Pigalle which brings the clients.
You can buy all kinds of outfit if you wish to dress up like a female diva, even without necessarily being a female yourself! It's not the only one of its kind, but it seems to be the place for this kind or equipment and the owner, Miss Angel, seems to have a lot of friends in show business; her guest book is impressive!
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter! Love to read your stories of Provence. I'll be around ir for some posts yet, I believe!
Sorry I couldn't make a visit to your blog earlier, but anyhow I could still enjoy your last patchworks. À la Mère de Famille is an amazing shop; I think I've passed by once and couldn't resist buying some candies. On the contrary, I'm not sure I've been to St. Cécile. Anyhow, don't need to press, now that I've seen your pics.
Finally, the Modes Angel offers quite a contrast! Great job, as usual!
Whoa...very very nice & chic Peter :) Too bad I don't have model figure to fit in all those gorgeous outfits kekke...
What a charming boutique, Peter!
I am currently far away of those chic stores... But I like to see them!
Paris restera toujours Paris, les petites boutiques de Mode, leurs charmes. Je sais pas si tu es comme moi, mais j'aime les vieilles boutiques que tu trouves dans les passages, elles ont souvent gardées le charme du passé.
Celle que tu présente est très belle
I love Mannequins :)
I have some difficulty in imagining you as a customer... but I'll try again later on. Just for the laugh!!!
(Mes humbles excuses)
I know that area fairly well because I used to go to the internet cafe in Pigalle. The internet at the hotel in Villier in the 18e was too expensive.
What a beautiful boutique, Peter!!
I want to be there now.
Bonjour Peter, me voilà revenue...
Les boutiques des petites demoiselles de Paris, ah ! Tu vas encore attirer du monde !
Je ne me lance pas dans ce genre de reportage, je ne sais pas faire les photos de vitrines
Il faudrait, j'irais photographier : le chapelier, le coutellier, le droguiste, mais je ne crois pas que j'attirerais grand monde.
Il y a aussi de très belles vitrines mais plus opaques du coté de Pigalle...
Joli contraste avec le post d'hier.;-)
Nice photographs and a great story. I wonder sometimes about the reasons clothes are so attractive? It must be some primitive instinct that makes us want to cover up.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
Reading your different comments (thanks!):
I wonder if any of you would really be customers here? ... unless you perform at some kind of "chez Michou", "Madame Arthur" type of cabaret? Why not?
I was too shy to enter. The "guestbook" I refer to can be seen in the window!
Peter, in sharp contrast to your previous post, but I think it's "another church..."--fashion is worshiped by many people in many countries!
Wow! Thanks peter. For taking us for window shopping :)
& i also LOVE the stained glass below!
Thanks all for your mostly positive comments. Personally I would believe that this is very particular fashion, probably difficult to wear for most of us, female or male (including the wigs)!
i think drag queens will love this place...lol
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