Connectivity problems
I have some serious network problems. I manage to get a connection for a few minutes now and then, but I cannot promise any new post or visit to your blogs in the immediate future. The provider is working on my problem, but...
A newly retired Swede, living in Paris.
I have some serious network problems. I manage to get a connection for a few minutes now and then, but I cannot promise any new post or visit to your blogs in the immediate future. The provider is working on my problem, but...
Posted by Peter at 27.8.07
Hope the network will get better soon.
J'ai eu de la chance alors...;-)Bon courage, c'est souvent un peu prise de tête ces trucs...
Si tu ne peux plus publier, pourquoi me profiterez tu pas pour venir essayer mon portable? de Plus le beau temps est revenu. Je pensais venir à Paris cette semaine, mais je n'ai personne pour garder maman. A bientôt j'espère.
cela arrive , et c'est tres tres tres enervant. j'espere que ce n'est que passager
i hope it will get fixed soon
Det var lustigt att läsa att du har nätverksproblem för det har jag också sedan ett par dagar.Är tvungen att starta om nätverket varje gång jag startar datorn.Brukar aldrig ha såna problem!
Hoppas att allt är bra med dig annars?
Hi - Jag förstår, vad Hogrelius säger :)
Jag hoppar också, att du kan publicera dina förnämliga postar alla dagar.
Very,very enjoyable again your yesterday`s post, and beautifully
on view.
It is a sign of the times. Even Google has problems with blogger.
Enjoy the time off.
You have my heartfelt sympathy. Without connection, life seems rather limited and dreary, doesn't it. Hope you're back up and running soon.
I have problems with blogger too.
I´ll be waiting
sdfjslfjs ;)
No problem, yet! Tout fonctionne.
I appreciate your sympathy for my network problems (still waiting for the provider to solve them). As I said, I appreciate this sympathy, but I somehow wish to emphasise that my REAL post today, is the one about Gustave Moreau and I would hope that you pay somme attention to this excellent artist!
(From this comment, you can see that I manage to get connected now and then.)
I'll pay attention to the Moreau.
Meanwhile I'll also carry your miserable 21st C burden of feeling "disconnected, disempowered,....dis everything"
Multiple ;-) to cheer you up!!!!
no feline to the rescue...see u soon!
I hope the network problems will get better very soon!!!
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