March 27, 2007

Some more pictures from my small walk this morning.
The sun is shining, the spring is back (?). The two persons are sitting in front of the bistro, called "Manoir", 50 m from where I live. It's full, day and night, and the menu is at 11€. I have tried it; it's good.
One picture is from the covered market "Marché de Batignolles", 100 m from where I live. You can find anything you wish to eat or drink. As a curiosity, there is a stand, where you can find some Swedish specialities, like "Läkerol", "Göteborgs kex", "Fenix" red cabbage, "Kung Gustaf" sardines, "Daim"...


hpy said...

Tu marches beaucoup?

Peter said...

Non, tout est juste à coté.

lyliane six said...

Mais il marche beaucoup ailleurs dans Paris et vite, mais il a de grandes jambes..