Along Rue Réaumur (2)
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Paris 2,
Rue Réaumur
Here comes the second part of our strolling along Rue Réaumur, leaving the 3rd arrondissement for the 2nd.
The buildings here mostly date from the very last years of the 19th century. The architects seem to have been allowed some more freedom than what you usually find with the pure Haussmannian style. Several of the buildings have partly a metallic structure. You can sometimes find a touch of Art Nouveau.
Several newspapers used to have their headquarters in this area, some on this street. Most newspapers are now in the suburbs.
No. 100 previously housed “France Soir”, which used to have an important circulation of some 2 million, but today has left the premises (now “just offices”) and has become a very insignificant newspaper. Originally, the building was occupied by an other newspaper called ”L’Intransigeant” (still visible on the entrance hall mosaic) and for a few years after WW II by the during the war clandestine “Combat” (with names as JP Sartre, Albert Camus, André Malraux..).
Another important newspaper, Le Parisien (Liberé) occupied no. 124 as from the end of WW II until the 70’s. (This newspaper belongs to the same group which organises Tour de France and also owns the sports newspaper “L’Equipe”.)
Along the street you will also find a different type of metro entrance, Le Sentier, which you access via a building. Even the metro sign is here different from the today used one, which is the one you see here. In the surrounding streets you will find a concentration of textile and clothing manufacturers, retailers and wholesalers.
You also cross the charming Rue Montorgeuil, a pedestrian market street.
Rue Réaumur ends (changes name) when we reach the Paris Stock Exchange (la Bourse), which also goes under the name of Palais Brogniart. It dates from the beginning of the 18th century.
Some small details:
- When I took these photos last week, it was quite cold. You can see how even the pigeons were freezing and searched warm air from the underneath metro.
- There is an obvious lack of decent apartments for the less fortunate Paris population. Just opposite to the Stock Exchange, there was an occupation / demonstration ongoing.

… in the meantime I continue painting. Sorry, for still being rather absent as blogger.
You can find most of these photos on my photo blog.
The buildings here mostly date from the very last years of the 19th century. The architects seem to have been allowed some more freedom than what you usually find with the pure Haussmannian style. Several of the buildings have partly a metallic structure. You can sometimes find a touch of Art Nouveau.
Several newspapers used to have their headquarters in this area, some on this street. Most newspapers are now in the suburbs.
No. 100 previously housed “France Soir”, which used to have an important circulation of some 2 million, but today has left the premises (now “just offices”) and has become a very insignificant newspaper. Originally, the building was occupied by an other newspaper called ”L’Intransigeant” (still visible on the entrance hall mosaic) and for a few years after WW II by the during the war clandestine “Combat” (with names as JP Sartre, Albert Camus, André Malraux..).
Another important newspaper, Le Parisien (Liberé) occupied no. 124 as from the end of WW II until the 70’s. (This newspaper belongs to the same group which organises Tour de France and also owns the sports newspaper “L’Equipe”.)

You also cross the charming Rue Montorgeuil, a pedestrian market street.
Rue Réaumur ends (changes name) when we reach the Paris Stock Exchange (la Bourse), which also goes under the name of Palais Brogniart. It dates from the beginning of the 18th century.
Some small details:
- When I took these photos last week, it was quite cold. You can see how even the pigeons were freezing and searched warm air from the underneath metro.
- There is an obvious lack of decent apartments for the less fortunate Paris population. Just opposite to the Stock Exchange, there was an occupation / demonstration ongoing.

You can find most of these photos on my photo blog.
You've got a sharp eye for beauty...Those Art Nouveau details are stunning!
Rue Montorgeuil marche boasted one of the best rotisserie chicken stands...and a great cheese shop...and a decent fruit market...and OK, I'll stop now ;-) (maybe it will merit a full post, someday?)
In the meantime, watch out for the paint fumes!
nice photos...I like the clock.
Hi Peter - please stop apologising for being "absent" as a blogger. You are making me feel embarrassed because you get a lot more activity in while you are "absent" than I do when I am "present"! You posted on my blog at 2.14am this morning!
Some grand architecture on display here. The Metro is indispensable and convenient to use - once you are on it!. I could never find any of the damned things! It wouldn't be the same, but sometimes I longed for the easily identifiable signs they have in London. (Shame on me!)
encore une superbe ballade dans paris, j'aime beaucoup la mosaïque avec l'intransigeant. Le quartier de la bourse est vraiment très beau, avec tous ces vieux immeubles.
Pour répondre à tes deux questions, la photo qui a gagne le concours était vraiment superbe (comble de l'ironie, elle a étée prise a l'endroit où je vis, donc tout les jours je vais avoir cette photo dans la tête et me dire 'bon dieu pourquoi je ne l'ais pas vu').
Pour calculer son age c'est facile, petite formule
age = age + 1
If age > 25 then age = 20
Voila comment on fait mentir la célèbre chanson "On n'a pas tous les jours 20 ans " moi j'ai 20 ans tous les 5 ans.
Bon weekend et amuse toi bien
Quand on blogue on lève la tête. Bon entrainement pour peindre le plafond.
The photos are excellent, as usual, and the Art Nouveau details are too.
Nice presentation.
Très intéressant votre post aujourd'hui. Quand j'ai lu le titre du journal dont vous parlez "L'intransigeant", cela m'a fait penser à un reportage que j'ai regardé hier soir sur France 2 et qui concernait la liberté de la presse en Russie. Et bien bientôt là-bas on ne pourra plus parler de la liberté de la presse et dans l'indifférence générale, des journalistes de l'opposition sont enfermés dans des hôpitaux psychiatriques...
Le monde est fou... complètement.
Bon WE cher Peter, je vous embrasse et attention de ne pas tomber dans les pots de peinture. :-)
You are my hero, how do you find time to paint and blog and all that!
have a nice weekend!
I'm waiting for Sebastopol. Hero!
Patrick a commencé dans un journal agricole pas loin de ce quartier (rue Daniel Casanova, c'est près de la place Vendôme ds le 1er) Il avait un bureau incroyable pour lui seul avec des authentiques boiseries Louis XIII. Je suis sûre que ton appart entrerait dedans. Il traversait l'atelier de l'affichiste Villemot comme si cet atelier était son entrée.
Paris, oui, est incroyable....
Those are some very tall buildings. So beautifully constructed, though! :) They are art in and of themselves.
Rue Réaumur has some beautiful buildings, but probably it would be a bit excessive to expect to find "decent apartments for the less fortunate" in the street of a Stock Exchange... ;)
Now, Peter, still painting? Enjoy your weekend!
J'espère que tu iras t'aérer ce week end! et que tu nous trouveras une autre intéressante histoire sur un endroit de Paris.
J'ai oublié de te dire que le journal "le Monde" ne devait pas être loin, car quand je l'ai visité, je suis allée manger au coin de la rue Réaumur et du boulevard Montmartre, au "café du Croissant" où a été assassiné Jean Jaurès, il y a toujours la table où il mangeait quand cela s'est produit.
Peter...those Art Nouveau details are stunning!
It's also depends on the capturer and the angles taken.
How far is the painting dear?
BTW ABout the former manager of England, so far I don't see his name in the list and most probably not.
Good idea, I will return! ... and yes, I feel a bit intoxicated by the end of the day!
The clock was restored recently! Nice initiative!
Next time, look for the "M"! Maybe you were looking for a "U"?
Avec ta façon de calculer, nous sommes nombreux à avoir le même age! Content de faire partie du club!
Oui, mais j'ai un peu mal au cou!
Thanks for the compliments!
Tu n'es pas fachée avec moi? Tu me dis encore "vous"! Le liberté de la presse...! Heureusement qu'ici nous avons le "Canard enchaîné"!
Bon week-end à TOI aussi, chère delicium!
At last I'm a hero! (At least for someone.)
I omitted Sebastopol, but of course I crossed it. Another street dedicated to a French victory (and together with the British!)! No Boulevard de Waterloo in Paris!
Heuruesement que je n'avais pas à peindre le bureau de Partick!
Rather tall buildings, yes, but no skyscrapers (or hardly any) in Paris!
If you wish to demonstrate, of course you must chose a strategic place... and the building is not occupied and full of empty flats.
Je vais encore être enfermé dans l'appart de mon fils!!
Il faudrait aller déjeuner au Café du Croissant!
noushy syah:
Thanks for the compliments about the angles! ... and hope that you will find the right team manager!
Between Painting and Blogging, you balance well :)
The pigeons make me feel cold...The weather is changing here too...(shiver)
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