Neighbours Day
Since a few years, « Immeubles en Fête” is organised in France, as part of a European initiative, the “European Neighbours Day”. The intention is give everyone the opportunity to break out of the anonymity and to share a moment with the people you possibly pass every day, or seldom, or never… with something to drink and eat, in the courtyard, in the entrance hall or wherever there is some space. It’s spreading and this year it was held for the first time in the building where I now live since a few months. We met last night, May 29, in the courtyard and had a very nice moment together. Now I know my neighbours living just under or just above my flat. Nice people! We were some 25 and everybody had brought something to be consumed (actually too much!). I took a few photos, but unfortunately most of them failed, not very sharp (too much champagne, wine, vodka…?). Anyhow here are a few examples, unfortunately not the ones where you could see the whole group. I will try to do better next year..
Nice idea! Seems like a lively bunch ;-). Mostly young?
Hey...this can be incorporated as part of Family Day too :) Nice
Nice! :)
c'etait hier ??????? honte à moi, j'ai rate. Il y avait une fete des voisins à Evry, mais je croyais que c'etait aujourd'hui. je suis lamentable. Voila une superbe idee, que je rate chaque année ;o))
Peter, qu'avais-tu cuisiné pour tes (charmants) voisins?
Why do so many of us hate (!) their neighbours?
Daddy knowing me well, this is defilitely kind of event I don't like.
A very interesting initiative. but, if you have noisy neighbours above and you hate them, as my case, what can i do? Poisoned couches, tart wine? ;)
A mixture, some quite old with grown up children (who left), some quite young withour children.
Is this a pure European initiative? In any case, Family is of course more important than neighbours.
oui, honte à toi!
I did not bring any prepared stuff, just a Magnum bottle of champagne.
Perhaps tougher when you live e.g. in a village, or in an own house in general. There you are much more dependent on good (or bed) relationship.
As I just moved in I wished to start from "scratch". After all, there is a chance to find some nice neighbours - and I did.
Why not rather try with a smile and some champagne? Do you have this Neighbours Day also in Spain?
I try to play the piano now and then and I was a bit worried about how that was appreciated by my neighbours. I rather got some positive remarks, like "Is it YOU playing the piano (?), please go on!" That is already something that can be achieved during this kind of festivity.
No, we don´t have the Neighbours Day in Spain.
Believe me, my neighbours of above are madness, they love all black & Decker machines and use it by night and day, it´s horrible
I love the concept of it, have never experienced it. We should try and do this in Australia too!
Glad you enjoyed it. Your photos are great, doesn't matter if they are not of a whole group, I like the collage.
That is a splendid idea to meet your neighbors. Cities are famous for never knowing who lives next door. Maybe that is why I don't like cities. Or big cities.
I like your photographs and I think I understand your not getting them to be like you wanted them to be. Maybe it was the drink as you suggested.
Your neighbors are beautiful people. I am glad for you.
Just a small correction to my answer to hpy. Please read "bad relationship", not "bed relationship". (Before someones make a joke of it.)
Dans ma petite ville suisse, la même initiative a été lancée. Les voisins s'invitent les uns les autres. J'ai des amis qui sont allés à quelques fêtes organisées. Mais dans mon immeuble, rien ne s'est passé. Et je n'ai pas eu la force d'organiser quoi que ce soit... triste non?
What a nice concept!
The post and comments together were funny to read, somehow it is very good-humoured.
And the idea is fine.
I guess, you enjoyed very much :)
full of beautiful people! very nice indeed!
J'avais oublié cette fête qui ne doit se faire que dans les grandes villes. Ici à la campagne, j'invite toujours mes voisins à la fin des vaçances pour se retrouver, mais ce sont toujours les mêmes fidèles qui viennent.A bon entendeurs... venez si vous n'êtes pas loin fin Août.
Bed relationship between neighbours, a famous idea. Good you changed it.
I envy you for this activity. I barely know my neighbors here in the country.
C'est sympathique. C'est quand même très dommage qu'on ne connaisse pas ses voisins.
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