Presidential elections
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Paris 17,
Presidential elections 2007,
Rue des Moines
Yesterday evening the great TV debate between our two presidential candidates took place. An audiance of 20 million people - a record. Who won?Yesterday I took a photo of posters on the front of an abandoned shop (for sale). "Ségo" was smiling at you.
Today, I took a photo of the same place. The posters were not the same. "Sarko's" face had already been transformed by some "Ségo" friends.
This kind of wild posting is not oficially allowed, but tolerated. The candidates have organised troops which each night make this type of posting. Will it change people's mind?
Je pense que les deux ont été gagnants dans l'histoire. Ségo devait montrer qu'elle sait s'imposer, c'est chose faite. Sarko devait montrer qu'il pouvait être calme, et respecteux, il l'a fait. Maintenant, je trouve que Ségo a beaucoup trop coupé Sarko qui n'a pas bronché et je trouve que Sarko a beaucoup trop parlé à PPDA ignorant les deux femmes du plateau, dont celle en face de lui, la plus importante en l'occurence...
En tout cas, c'est sûr que l'affichage joue
Il faut démarrer la campagne ni trop tôt ni trop tard
Je ne parle pas des enjeux nationaux mais des enjeux locaux...
De toute façon, les débats ne convainquent que les convaincus !!!
Maintenant les candidats sont des bêtes de scène, ils sont 'coatchés' alors les dérapages sont plus rares
Peter, je trouve très bien que tu interviennes en anglais sur mon blog
Cela me rappelle avoir entendu dire que dans les pays scandinaves chacun parle sa propre langue ce qui évite les à peu près et que l'autre répond dans sa propre langue
Si nous pouvions apprendre ça aussi aux enfants à l'école en France, tu te rends compte, je comprendrais un brésilien, un espagnol ou un italien et il me comprendrait car nous avons les mêmes racines latines
Bien sur, je sais que l'anglais n'est pas ta langue maternelle, mais j'ai des lecteurs d'expression anglaise comme san nakji ou black feline qui sont très affutés et très curieux et comme tes commentaires sont très pertinents je trouve bien qu'ils puissent les lire
J'ai vu que tu avais mis mon blog en lien, j'en suis honorée
Je vais mettre ton blog en lien aussi sur mon blog lien 'passerelle' qui se trouve en pied de page.
Merci encore pour tes commentaire cergie!
Oui, je me suis permis de mettre ton blog en lien (sans demander l'autorisation). Merci d'avoir fait la même chose.
Oui, j'ai tendance d'écrire en anglais; je sais que beaucoup de visiteurs ne dominent pas le français. Je écris aussi essentiellement en anglais sur mon blog; j'ai par exemple des anciens collègues (de toutes nationalités) qui regardent de temps en temps. (Ils ne mettent quasiment jamais des commentaire comme le système de filtrage avec leurs adresses e-mail professionels est assez sévère.)
I hope the lady eventually wins the election. I think we could use a lady president too. I like your photographs of the posters before and after the debate. Nice pictures.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Bonjour! Interesting images!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoyed it. I am curious though. Have you ever been to Istanbul? You wrote you hardly imagine it is Turkey? Is it a good thing or bad one?
Istanbul Photo
There was a question from "seda".
No, unfortunately I have never been to Turkey. My remark was neither meant to be postive nor negative, it's only that my image of Turkey and the Istanbul surroundings is different from the pictures I could see e.g. with forest and lakes... Maybe if I had had the opportunity to visit your country I would have been less surprised. Your photos are in any case really good!
I can see from those comments, you have been traveling a lot, I thank you also visiting my blog.
You was kidding by saying "sorry", but I have to say, one my great grandmother was from Skåne :)She moved to Turku and lived happily -I hope !
I am also in that age, who stood in the morning pray in "aula".I thought, it`s Finnish word, but perhaps you Swedish have steeled it from us!!!
I was very curious about your series of Montmartre cemetery,
I have been there only once and we
were locked inside behind the big iron gates, as I felt then. We did not know, gates will be locked so early in the evening.
I enjoyed your blog even you are our dear enemy especially during the ice hockey championship.
Take care!
(Sorry, I tried to take some my language mistakes away, that`s why
a second publish )
Thanks Leena for your visit.
We have exchanged a number of words between Finland and Sweden, although the Finnish and Swedish languages actually have nothing in common - but we are neighbours. "Aula" is however latin and means "hall". (Not only did I have to go to the school "aula" for the daily morning prayer at 8 o'clock, but I also had to "suffer" of four years of latin.)
How did you at last get our of the Montmartre cemetary?
Bien qu'étant à l'étranger pour le débat, j'ai tenu à suivre ce dernier, est ce leurs belles promesses? en tous cas je me suis endormie...
Thank you Peter...You should keep visiting my blog then.
Thank you Peter for your kind explanation an origin this aula word,
I studied also three years Latin in my school and after my comment I went
to our bookshell and find out this same thing, I was curious about this word`s origin. Also Finnish has "stolen" :) many words from Latin and nowadays from right from English. I should not try to be joking by a language, what I can not, but my excuse is, that I am in a flu and I was too tired to do anything reasonable.
Did you have also English and German, we had of course Swedish our first language and then German,
after that English and Latin. I can read them ( not Latin ! )but writing correct is difficult and speaking even more difficult.
And Montmartre Cementary then - we ran and screamed until somebody came - laughing, I remember, and
let us out. Interesting place, I could walk days there.
For Leena:
Yes, you poor Finnish have to learn Swedish. We started with English, then German, then Latin and French and then some Spanish. No Finnish. Despite hundreds of visits to Finland, Finnish is still like Chinese to me. (By the way, I guess I will start with some Chinese soon. No ambition to really learn it, but at least to understand the completely different philosophy behind this language.)
Excellente, la photo avant-après de l'affichage sauvage ! Vraiment excellent !
Fantastic before-after effect, I'm sure the place has changed again since your second photo. This poster war is a pretty rough one!
To us in Sydney the election results will come at 4am on Monday morning, I suspect I'll be up !
I love Cergie's idea of commenting in your own language; there's so much progress to be made in understanding each other's languages!
Own language is a good idea - to some extent. How many of you would understand my Swedish?
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