May 04, 2007

Old, modern...

My kids kindly offered me a massage session as a Christmas gift. I made use of it this week. (A rather tough session, executed by a Polish 100 kg lady, but I felt fine - afterwards.) It took place in this street, an old rather typical Paris street, full of "boutiques", art galleries and with a number of historical references.

When walking to the end of the street, you find the Pompdou Center. I actually like both, the old and the modern - and the Center is full of visit-worth things. You have to create something new and possibly give future generations some traces of our capacity to create. Of course, I don't know what was destroyed. The Center was built between 1971 and 1977 and I moved to Paris when the job was already ongoing. How to integrate new buildings in an exisiting environment is not an easy matter. No more skyscrapers are built inside Paris. The modern business centers are built around the city, in more or less distant suburbs. Of course this may create other problems... I will not try to handle them all in today's contribution.


Seda said...

I did the same thing for my mom! She was very pleased. That is the idea, right?

I adored the old looking street. It is just like Paris of my mind...

PS: I post new picture...

Anonymous said...

Very interesting post. I like your photography as well. And thank you for coming to my blog and for your comments there.

abcd said...

Hey Peter,

Very interesting blog, rich of culture, informative and insightful. I sure will return.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Cergie said...

Bien sur, tu as du apprécier ce massage musculeux, mais je ne pense pas que ce soit le poids qui fasse la force
Je me souviens d'un tout petit et frêle déménageur qui était capable de porter notre cuisinière à gaz à lui seul
La technique est importante...
Pense au judo...

Si je te dis que j'ai participé au concours pour beaubourg, tu me croiras ?
Que je n'ai pas gagné CA tu le croiras...

J'étais étudiante en architecture et nous faisions équipe avec un professeur...

Ash said...


Peter said...

Cergie, tu as une trace de ce que vous avez imaginé?

krystyna said...

Hi Peter!
For sure this Polish lady wasn't me. (I'm about 50 kg). Maybe some day I'll visit France.
Greetings from Poland!

Peter said...

Krystyna, thanks for your comments. I know that Polish ladies are not all of that caliber. We have had quite a number of Polish friends, including the godmother of my son.

If you decide for a visit to France, please adivse!