Glass domes
Labels :
Au Printemps,
Galeries Lafayette,
Glass domes,
Paris 8,
Paris architecture
A number of the Paris buildings from the beginning of the 20th century have some fantastic glass domes, or “cupolas”. Some of them are easy to see and take pictures of, some less. Here I show some examples which most of you may have seen, but perhaps not all of you have paid your highest attention to. These photos are taken at the department stores Les Galeries Lafayette (the first five below and the one on top) and Le Printemps (the three other ones).
Both these department stores started their activities in the late 19th century, but the present buildings are basically from the beginning of last century. The Galeries Lafayette dome was created in 1912 and the Le Printemps one in 1923.
These department stores are neighbors on Boulevard Haussmann. Just across the street, there is an old bank office, also with a fantastic glass dome. I took some pictures also there, but was kindly, but firmly, asked by some guards to delete them. If you want to see also this dome, you must go there.

Both these department stores started their activities in the late 19th century, but the present buildings are basically from the beginning of last century. The Galeries Lafayette dome was created in 1912 and the Le Printemps one in 1923.
These department stores are neighbors on Boulevard Haussmann. Just across the street, there is an old bank office, also with a fantastic glass dome. I took some pictures also there, but was kindly, but firmly, asked by some guards to delete them. If you want to see also this dome, you must go there.

The photos from this patchwork - and some more - can be seen on my other blog, "Peter - photos".
I can never get enough of these lovely glass domes Peter...likewise with all those lovely artistic stained glasses at the cathedral :)
Yeah, I remember them very much !!
And I love them as well !!
Bientôt les soldes?
Wow is very beautiful!
ils sont magnifiques, de vrai monuments historiques. il faut venir les voir pour les fetes de noel, c'est merveilleux
des cathédrales de lumière! les temples de la consommation méritent le détour en flânant le nez en l'air!
stunningly beautiful cupolas...
they are very beautiful.
You do some nice work, Peter. These are brilliant photos of brilliant things that would cost more money to replace these days than is in the treasury in France.
I did answer your concerned question on the blog about the Japanese Beetle.
Abraham Lincoln
Trapping the Japanese Beetle
Brookville Daily Photo
Like Olivier said, in Christmas time, it's a wonderful place with a huge floodlit tree.
They are so beautiful! I'm afraid that I'd be a poor costumer in the sales, because of just staring at the ceilings:)
Gorgeous photos of an amazing space! I shopped there once and bought a whole outfit! A once in a lifetime event, believe me. Not your average "mall." :)
Peter, These are really, really beautiful posts! Thanks you for visiting so faithfully while I've been away from easy computer use. When I return on Thursday, I'll surf back to see some of your other posts!
Wow - the dome looks awesome!
L'on se bouscule pour manger sous la coupole de la brasserie Bofinger à la Bastille,où nous irons un jour, elle est magnifique aussi.Au printemps, le restaurant se trouve t il toujours sous la coupole?
La réponse est OUI! ... mais on peut pas fumer, alors je suis parti sans boire ou manger!
Wow! Peter your domes's photos are stunning, breathtaking! They are really fantastic! Well done!
Amazing photos! You have the best collages.
Je m'apprêtai à dire :
Un seul mot : "magnifique"
Et voilà-t-y pas que je découvre un aspect, comment dire un aspect sombre de mon ami Peter : tu fumes et tu ne peux passer un repas sans fumer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bon, je vais m'en remettre. Pensons à autre chose...
(Et oui, personne n'est parfait. Pour une fois que j'avais trouvé un homme qui fait des bouquets de fleurs des champs et qui sait que les coquelicots ne tiennent pas en vase...
Lever la tête est un réflexe qu'il faut avoir en ville
Des trésors sont cachés en l'air
Les verrières sont apparues qd on a su maîtriser le métal
Avant on a fait les églises, les cathédrales de plus en plus découpées, mais en maîtrisant les descentes de charges dans la pierre
La lumière !!!!
Hé oui Cergie, personne n'est parfait! mais ce n'est pas un défaut de fumer, mais un esclavage (je n'ai jamais fumé de ma vie, mais ma soeur fume pour moi!.)
Mais quand ce sera interdit de fumer tu ne mangeras plus Peter?, il faudra que tu fasses comme en Suède et Norvège, aller fumer dehors par - 30°, heureusement tu vis à Paris!!..
Tks for this dome collage. I know Paris fairly well from 30yrs of travelling there on business and pleasure, but you've shown me more in 30 seconds on this collage!! Well done, and tks for following Karl's efforts, too.
that is just gorgeous, thanks so much for sharing
mais on peut pas fumer, alors je suis parti sans boire ou manger!.. Awww so sad. :(
These are spectacular. I wonder how many people miss them by keeping their gaze downwards. I also wonder about the expense of maintenance and cleaning. Well worth it whatever it costs in my opinion
such a lovely sight to behold. Glass is one of my favourite medium of art. Stained glass has always fascinated me! One of my close friend is a famous stained glass artist!
oh they are beautiful........:)'s very illusionary...i love the last one...certainly a masterpiece!
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