April 09, 2007

Palm tree

How quickly does a palm tree grow? One way to find out is to take photo of this one, now and then.


hpy said...

Es-tu certain que c'est un palmier? J'ai un doute. Ca ne pourrait pas être un bananier?

Peter said...

On verra. Je vais surveiller.

lyliane six said...

Tu nous diras quand tu verras apparaitre le régime, que l´on puisse se régaler, bien que je mange trés rarememt des bananes, je préfére les fruits rouges.

Anonymous said...

Banana trees grow very fast and once they bear fruit they die. Palm trees take forever to grow. I've lived in Brazil for a short time, where one is likely to find the most beautiful varieties of this trees. Such is the beauty of this country that I suspect God must be Brazilian. This is a fascinating post, Peter. Thank you so much! Maria O. Russell