April 21, 2007


When I visted Gothenburg a few days ago, my 90 year old mother kindly asked me to fetch a few things from the nearest pharmacy. I had a 20 + 20 minutes walk and and had to make the queu. This morning I needed some headache pills (don't ask why). Within 200 meters, I found seven pharmacies. I took some photos to prove it. I don't tell you in which one I bought my pills.

It must be profitable business to own a pharmacy in France. French people consume a lot of medecines even for small pains. Medecines are well refunded. Of course we pay for it somehow.


Zhang Chunhong said...
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Zhang Chunhong said...

I know in which pharmacy you bought your pills (don't ask why).

Peter said...


hogrelius said...

Lagen säjer väl i Paris att det måste finnas apotek för var 10.000 :ende medborgare dvs ett apotek i varje gathörn.

hpy said...

Il y a pas mal de pharmacies à Fécamp aussi, pour à peine 20.000 habitants. Je devrais les compter un jour. A vue de nez : une petite dizaine.

Peter said...

Yes, I believe that hogrelius' estimate of a pharmacy for 10000 habitants is over-(under-) estimated. I checked and there are some 23000 pharmacies = which brings us closer to one pharmacy for some 3-4000 habitants.

lyliane six said...

Autrefois les pharmaciens fabriquaient eux mêmes les pommades et remèdes, maintenant ce n'est que la même chose que chez l'épicier: prendre une boîte sur un rayon et la vendre...j'espère qu'il n'y a pas de pharmaciens dans les lecteurs de ton blog, car je vais me mettre cette profession à dos.