April 03, 2007

Groupe des Batignolles

A couple of days ago, I talked about Edouard Manet (http://www.impressionniste.net/manet.htm) and the "Groupe des Batignolles" (Renoir, Monet, Sisley, Pissarro, Degas). This is the place where the members of the group met. It was then a café, called Guerbois. Unfortunately it looks different today. They all lived close to the café, including Emile Zola (http://www.alalettre.com/Zola-bio.htm) who often joined the group and made some "publicity" about their activities (the painting part, not the drinking part). On the painting (by Fantin-Latour), you can see around Manet, among others, Monet, Renoir, Zola.

All this happened around 1869 and 1875 and it was the beginning of the "impressionisme".

Zola moved quite often, but remained in the same area.

You can see a picture of his grave at the Montmartre cemetery. He actually moved also from there. He is now in the Paris Panthéon, together with some other "heroes".


hpy said...

Culture club, no culture blog.

Jag visste nog att jag kunde rekommendera den...

lyliane six said...

Qu'elle érudition!!Mais en habitant Giverny, Monet ne devait plus s'y rendre aussi souvent dans ce café, car à l'époque les trains et métros exitaient t ils sur cette ligne? il faudra que tu me le dises, cela te feras un sujet de conversation sur les moyens de locomotions de l'époque.

Peter said...

Pour hpy et lyliane:
Merci de me lire et merci pour vos commentaires.

Pour Lyliane:
Monet s'installa à Giverny seulement en 1883, une dizaine d'années plus tard.

For hpy:
Is this a compliment or does "no culture blog" mean that I should try to change the contents? At least it give me the chance to learn something myself. (Vad du skriver pà svenska fàr mig att tro pà den positiva tolkningen. ??)
Your blog friends have so far given very few comments on my blog. I must perhaps start to spread some info about my blog to some other people, because the most interesting part is to get comments.

hpy said...

Nombreux sont ceux de mes amis blogueurs qui sont partis en vacances! Les veinards. Voilà pourquoi personne ou presque ne fait de commentaires en ce moment.

It was a compliment. Culture blog instead of Culture Club (that's musical culture maybe).

Tu veux des commentaires tous les jours? C'est noté. Je vais essayer de prendre le temps...

escorts valencia said...

This won't succeed as a matter of fact, that's exactly what I consider.